Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy October!

The calendar indicates that today is the first day of October. I like October. It is my favorite month of the year. It was the 8th month of the old Julian calendar and is now the 10th month of the Gregorian calendar. October is one of seven months that contains 31 days. Where I live, October is synonymous with cool crisp autumn days, breathtaking clear blue skies, and colorful falling leaves. In the southern hemisphere, however, October is the harbinger of spring (their equivalent of our April).

The kids have been back in school for over a month and are settled in to their academic work and school functions, as summer activities of amusement parks and camping, and beach vacations slip slowly into their vaults of happy memories.

For sports fans, October is a cornucopia of activity. It is a month when major league baseball winds up its long season with its playoffs and World Series. Football and Soccer are well underway in October, and Basketball fans rejoice due to the beginnings of high school and college practices, and the NBA season tips it off this month.

It is the last month of peaceful living before the hustle and bustle of the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons are upon us. There are no huge national holidays (Independence, Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc) in October, but as you can see from the list below, provided by Wikepedia, October is a pretty big month around the globe.

And there is a special day for me. Tucked quietly in there between Constitution Day in Nuie and Apple Day is the day I discovered America in October, 1950.

I love October, and I hope you have a good one. All 31 days of it!

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