Thursday, December 6, 2007

My 100th Post

This is post number 100 since I made my "brave incursion" into the blogosphere back in the summer. This is somewhat of a milestone for me. I had intended to write something every day, but with State Convention activities, meetings, study time, sermon preparation, hospital visitation, church administration, funerals, Upward Basketball start up, and making final preparations for the January mission trip, I quickly learned how difficult that is to do. So, I am posting as often as possible. I would like to say "Thank you" to those who read regularly (or even intermittently). Your published and unpublished comments and constructive criticisms have been helpful.

The purpose of this blog is simply to share my opinions, viewpoints, and observations, "For What It's Worth". I don't seek to be controversial, but I'm sure that sometimes my opinions might not be in agreement with those of every reader. You're entitled to your own opinions, and invited to leave (civil) comments here on the blog. If you really don't like something you read here, that's OK with me. In fact, you may want to start your own blog. If you do, please share the URL with me and I'll try to read it as often as possible.

Yesterday, I got an email from a good friend who asked the following:

"CJ – Are you thinking about writing about the presidential
candidates in your blog? I keep reading about Huckabee (former governor from Arkansas) and it seems he is the best candidate in my opinion. I’d like to read what you think……………if you have time."

Well, here's my opinion, "For What It's Worth"...

I make it a rule NEVER to get into partisan politics in the pulpit. It's simply not the place for politics. Almighty God does not belong to either political party, and no political organization has right to claim Him. That said, I will never shy away from moral or Biblical issues that sometimes come up in political debate. That's altogether different. While I will never endorse partisan candidates from the pulpit, I do challenge our members not to leave their faith outside the voting booth. As US citizens, (but more importantly as Kingdom people) I believe we should vote, not based on what our bosses, or union leaders advise. We should not cast our votes based only on the economy or job market. We should not blindly vote only for OUR party members. I believe the Christian should be the kind of citizen who bases his or her voting preferences on their Biblical world view.

While I will eventually cast my ballot in the best way I feel to be consistent with my Christian faith, I am constantly reminding myself that we are electing a President, and not a "Theologian in Chief". In my humble opinion, the 2008 Presidential election presents some interesting and difficult choices and challenges.

The top three Democratic candidates leave me cold as ice, and it has noting to do with the race or gender of the candidates. Senators Obama, Clinton, and former Senator Edwards have each distanced themselves far from where I stand on most fiscal and social issues. Now, I'm not a "one issue" voter, but I do believe that the FIRST basic right we have is the right to life. Unless a candidate respects that one basic right, I have trouble supporting them, no matter how they come down on other issues. Now matter how they phrase the issue ("choice, reproductive rights, etc") the fact remains that EVERY abortion stops a beating heart.

The old "Roe v. Wade is settled law" mantra is hogwash. History students will remember that the Dred Scott decision was also "settled law" which legalized slavery. It was legal, but that didn't make it right. I thank God the Supreme Court eventually overturned that outrageous decision and outlawed that abominable practice on our shores. I can only pray that eventually the Roberts Court will have enough votes to do the same to end the infanticide that has proliferated in America since the Roe decision in 1973.

On many of the other issues, the Democratic front runners seem to be jockeying for position to see who can be farthest out of the mainstream with their views on redefining marriage, tax increases, redistribution of wealth, national security, and health insurance proposals that border on socialism. Dodd, Richardson, and Biden don't offer much of an alternative, and Kuccinich and Gravel border on nut jobs. I find them down right scary.

Even though most of them are pro life, I'm not terribly excited with most of the Republican candidates either.

Some appear to be flip floppers - slick and a little phony. At least one has some obvious moral issues regarding marital fidelity. Some are weak on illegal immigration and a couple of them seem to see conspiracies around every corner. One acts as though he really doesn't have his heart in it, several appear to be pandering to the evangelicals for important endorsements, and others are trying to come across as latter day Boston Red Sox fans. Good Grief!

I personally like what I have seen of former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee, but it's eerie that he comes from Hope, Arkansas (haven't we already been down that road with another former Arkansas Governor?) Some folks might assume that I would automatically support him since he is a former Southern Baptist Pastor and past President of the Arkansas Baptist Convention. Well, not necessarily. (I haven't been too impressed with our last two Southern Baptist Presidents at all). Some pundits have mentioned that he was known as "Tax Hike Mike" during his years in the state house in Little Rock. I'd like to know more about that! Huckabee is right, in my opinion, on social issues, and he is unassuming and seems to have a great sense of humor. He also advocates the abolition of the Internal Revenue Service. I like that! My biggest concern for him, or ANYONE, who may be elected President, is what type of advisers will he surround himself with?

Here is the candidate I would like to see, and the one I would be happy to vote for. Someone with the moral values and personality of Mike Huckabee - the crisis experience and tough leadership of Rudy Guiliani - the porous border and illegal immigration solutions of Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo. One who is a war hero like John McCain - has the business acumen of Mitt Romney - the down home style and legal and political experience of Fred Thompson - and the libertarian turn of Ron Paul.

Somebody PLEASE let me know when THIS GUY shows up!


Darrell L. Clark said...

CJ...You would make a pretty good "politician" yourself, especially after the way you avoided answering that direct question...I agree with almost everything that you said and your "perfect" candidate would be great, if he existed! But since he or she does nor exist, my vote will go to Huckabee, unless he does something really stupid between now and the elections. If it comes down to Hilary or Obama and "anyone else", "anyone else" will receive my vote, because they scare me to death.

Annie said...

Thanks for you insight. I will be looking for the description in your last paragraph for the ideal candidate for president and let you know if I see him/her/it??

BTW - What is the time frame on that book for publication? I want a copy............

C.J. Adkins said...

I thought I might get a comment or two on this one.
Obviously the perfect candidate does not exist, but it sure would be nice if he or she did, wouldn't it?
Christian Voters have to make their decisions based on the best information available and following the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
There are a couple of candidates that I believe are worthy of my confidence. I want to know all I can about them and when it comes down to the two who are finally nominated, I'll make my choice.
Like many of you, I certainly know who I will NOT support!

C.J. Adkins said...

By the way, the working title of the book is "Bless God I'll Bust You Right In The Mouth". It's basically the memories of a preacher's kid who has been in ministry himeself for over 35 years. I don't know if I'll ever get it finished. I've been working on it in spare time over the past few years, but sadly I am probably nowhere near publication - that is if anyone would publish in the first place!
If it ever is published, I'll make sure you get one of the first copies...

Annie said...

Thanks. I do like the title.....and will look forward to a copy.

Oh, you can work on it in your "spare" time. ha