The Southern Baptist Convention's Annual meeting last week in Birmingham, Alabama was one of the most harmonious Convention meetings I have attended in years. I enjoyed the worship and prayer times. Business sessions were orderly, and the special panel discussions were helpful and in some cases inspiring. Reports from the Seminary Presidents and other entity heads were encouraging. The LifeWay Breakfast and NAMB Send Luncheon were informative and enjoyable. The NOBTS Alumni and Friends Dinner was emotional, with a farewell to Drs. Chuck and Rhonda Kelley and the introduction of new President Dr. Jamie Dew.
The Convention also took measures to deal with the sad issues of sexual abuse that is a tragedy among some of our churches as well as in other denominations and other institutions. This is a tough issue since the roughly 47,000 SBC churches are each autonomous bodies, so there is no hierarchical structure that can direct any local churches to do anything.
How we deal with these situations as churches was an important emphasis in this year's meeting. A change to our Constitution and bylaws created a new Credentials Committee that would be given authority to recommend removal from our Convention fellowship any churches that, after investigation, prove to be out of line with our statement of faith, or accepted Biblical standards, or fail to deal with sexual offenders, or allowing heretical teachings and practices to exist.
This Committee would be a permanent Convention committee and would replace the previous Credential Committee, which is now renamed the "Registration Committee". The new Credential Committee would include the President of the Convention and the Registration Secretary as Ex Officio members. This is where my friend, Don, got caught in the storm.
Don had served for 12 years as the chief assistant of our late brother, Jim Wells, who served our Convention as Registration Secretary for many years. Then, when Brother Jim's terminal illness made it impossible for him to attend the Convention
meeting, it fell to Don to take care of all the duties. He was elected to the Registration Secretary's office in 2017 along with President Steve Gaines. Then, at last year's Annual Meeting in Dallas it was my pleasure and honor to nominate Don to serve his second term as Registration Secretary. With no other nominations - and Don's exemplary knowledge of the registration and credentials responsibilities, he was again elected by acclamation. Don has done a tremendous job in the position serving our Convention faithfully and professionally.
With the new Credential Committee's Constitution change expected passage, and the fact that no woman or minority candidate had ever been chosen to be an entity head, of which four positions were filled this year (Presidents of the Executive Committee, International Mission Board, and Southwestern and New Orleans Theological Seminaries) with another soon to be named (LifeWay), and the rising concern about a lack of women's roles in Convention offices, it appears that the powers that be decided that this would be a perfect opportunity to place a woman in such a position. A female Ex Officio member for the new Credentials Committee would be a good place to start. Here's where I say that Don unfortunately got caught in the storm.
Would they select a humble, servant hearted fellow who had served behind the scenes so faithfully for many years, or would they vote to put a woman into a leadership position for the first time in SBC history? This was a real dilemma. Don knows more about the registration, credentials, and election processes than anyone alive in the SBC, while Kathy Litton is personable, popular, capable, and was running in her home state, which had many registered messengers there in Birmingham.
With about 8,000 messengers registered, and roughly 5,000 ballots cast, the election results were close. Mrs. Litton won by only 44 votes!
First, let me say that I do not believe that the nomination of Kathy Litton was in any way intended to be a slap in the face of Don Currence. In my humble opinion, it was a move motivated by a combination of political correctness, and the honest feeling that it was past time for women and minorities to have more seats at the table. It wasn't intended to hurt Don - but I know it had to hurt.
I first became acquainted with Don Currence the year that he and I were both elected by the Convention to serve as Trustees at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. We served a total of two five year terms together. Although I made many dear friends on the Board there over those ten years - Don was my closest fellow trustee. I was impressed by his administrative skills and his sharp mind for finances and numbers (one of my greatest weaknesses). But I also learned that he was a humble fellow, with a true heart to serve. He was an individual who modeled Grace,.
Don was assigned to the Budget and Finance sub committee at NOBTS and I was appointed to the Instructional Committee. For a time we each served together as chairpersons of our respective committees and were on the Executive Committee as a result. I saw Don's dedication to the office of Trustee as he NEVER missed attending ALL of the sub committee meetings (even the ones in which he was not a member). He took it seriously. At our final meeting at the end of 10 year's service, NOBTS President, Chuck Kelley, said publicly that Don was "The most thorough trustee" that he had ever known, citing how Don had voraciously consumed every page of the volumes of information we were provided, and how he attended every meeting.
After last week's election in Birmingham, Don handled the defeat with his usual humility and grace, offering congratulations to Kathy as well as any assistance he could provide to her. She is facing a daunting challenge and a very steep learning curve for that important position.
I understand that she has asked Don to continue on, overseeing the registration and teller responsibilities - doing most of what he has done for so long - but without the title.
Don't be surprised if you see his familiar face in the registration area at next year's Convention's Annual Meeting in Orlando. Don Currence has a heart to serve, and he is a walking picture of Grace.
1 comment:
Thank you for writing this, and giving Don the thanks and recognition he so rightly deserves.
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