Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Apology

"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

I have removed the previous post from this blog. It had been written in the heat of anger and frustration. I know better than doing that, but I confess I let my temper get the better of me. There is no excuse for that kind of lapse in Christian behavior. I used poor judgement in my public denunciation of a really rude mail carrier. My reaction was certainly no better than his actions, and I am supposed to be an ambassador of Christ! This is another reminder of how easily our testimony can be tainted by an outburst of anger and frustration.

Being a receipent of God's grace, my desire is to also be a conduit of that grace, and I failed terribly on that one. I humbly offer my apology and repent of such an unchristlike exhibition.

1 comment:

  1. CJ - Your frustrations are understandable. We all react the same way in many situations, and many times no one knows what a jackass we have made of ourselves except the Lord. Conviction generally pops up, shame is felt, and we ask forgiveness. I'm thankful everyday for God's grace and mercy He shows me and for forgiving me daily. No one is perfect.....
