I was at the Cabell Huntington Health Department today to check up on my immunizations for the upcoming mission trip to the Philippines. The good news is that all of my shots are up to date and I don't need any boosters (the Typhoid is good until spring). Since I won't see my primary care doctor until early December, I decided to go ahead and get the flu shot the Health Department was offering there.
When they called me back in to the room where the immunizations are administered, on the counter I spied what you see in the photo here. It is an "Eternal Life" gospel tract from the SBC North American Mission Board, and a little bookmark from Westmoreland Baptist Church, containing the gospel message and our church's name, address and phone number. Dallas Ashworth, one of our members who passed away a little over a year ago, purchased several thousand of those bookmarks for our people to pass out. We have included them in correspondence (even with the church's utility bills), our G.R.O.W. Teams have used them, and they have been included in registration packets for everything from Fall Festivals to Upward Sports.
I asked the nurse where she had received the literature and she said a lady was in last week who gave it to her. The nurse, already a believer, left them on the counter for whoever else might show interest in them.
What a pleasant surprise it was to see the tracts, and an encouragement to know that some of our folks are using these tools in witnessing in the community.
Our personal testimony, along with a wisely placed scripture verse, just may be all it takes to lead someone to the Lord. Gospel tracts are a wonderful tool to back up a believer's testimony. They are also a powerful silent witness to someone who may simply pick them up off a counter or table and read the life changing message. "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (Romans 10:17)
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