Wednesday, September 30, 2009

This 'N That

We have been blessed to have been called for revival services at First Baptist Church of Grayson, KY this week. What a wonderful and welcoming congregation they are! There is a true spirit of revival going on in that church. I have simply prayed that God would not allow me to get in the way of what He is doing there in Carter County. They are so blessed to have called Paul Schmidt as their Pastor in May. He and Jean are precious people who will minister to that part of the body of Christ with love and dedication.


Our "Spiritual Focus Week" is coming up at Westmoreland Baptist Church the last week of October. We will begin on Saturday evening, October 24, when we host a "Season of Prayer" as the Greater Huntington Baptist Association convenes with us for its annual meeting, and a combined prayer emphasis. Then on Sunday morning our revival services will begin with Rev. Mike Osborne as our evangelist. The revival effort will conclude on Wednesday evening, October 28. Then, on Thursday evening, October 29, our AWANA ministry will host a "Fall Festival" during Huntington's Trick or Treat night. This will provide a safe alternative for the kids in Westmoreland, and also serve as a platform to introduce our community to our church family and the various children's ministries at Westmoreland Baptist (Sunday School, children's choir, AWANA, VBS, Upward Basketball and Cheerleading, etc). Candy and the Gospel message will be distributed to all who come. I'll be sharing more regarding our "Spiritual Focus Week" on this blog in early October.


Big changes are taking place in several of the entities of the Southern Baptist Convention. North American Mission Board President, Geoff Hammond, resigned in August under pressure from the NAMB Board of Trustees. Just a couple of weeks ago, Jerry Rankin, President of the International Mission Board announced his upcoming retirement. Then last week, Morris Chapman, long time President of the Executive Committee announced his upcoming retirement next September. Chapman's retirement announcement came as a surprise to many, but information I have picked up from one who was present in Nashville at last week's Executive Committee meeting, is that Chapman was left with no alternative but to announce his retirement or face termination from the EC Board. There has been no public mention of this (as happened with Hammond and the NAMB Board) but if this is the case, I would certainly not be surprised.

Chapman, who has done many wonderful things over the years as President of the EC, has burnt some bridges with some of the other entity heads and other Convention leaders in recent years. I can't help but believe that through his public opposition to the "Great Commission Resurgence" document and his mean spirited address at the Convention meeting in Louisville this summer, he has painted himself into a corner from which he could not escape. Next summer's Convention meeting in Orlando is shaping up as a seminal moment in the history of the Southern Baptist Convention that will shape the future of this great Convention.


President Barack Obama is off next week for Copenhagen. What is the purpose of this trip? A summit meeting with other heads of state? Some type of peace talks? Economic strategy confab?


The Leader of the Free World is going to Denmark to try to convince the International Olympic Committee to award the 2016 Summer Games to his hometown of Chicago. Oprah Winfrey (another famous citizen of the "City With Big Shoulders") will accompany the first couple on this one day trip. My question is this - Why is it necessary for our President to spend any time and taxpayer money (even if it is only a 24 hour trip) on something as inconsequential as this, when our nation if facing some of it's greatest crises in the past century?

We are involved in two wars where precious American lives are being lost each day. Unemployment is on the verge of double digit figures. Deficit spending is at a level that is higher than the combined totals of the last five administrations. It is becoming more apparent that Iran is developing nuclear weapons and missiles to deliver them. Another recent Terrorist attack plan on New York was just uncovered by the FBI. And we are told that health care reform is the most urgent issue facing America today. Meanwhile our President spends an inordinate amount of time on television (five Sunday talk shows on one day) and appearances in commercials for a comedy special, and a visit with David Letterman.

Now it seems that in spite of all these issues (and others) Mr. Obama feels that it is incumbent upon him to help Mayor Daley by using his position as our Chief Executive to bring the Olympics to Chicago in 2016. I am a little more concerned about whether the U.S. will still be in business in 2016!


While Students in public schools all around America observed "See You At The Pole" last week, there was no such gathering at our local high school. Sad indeed.


Got a notice on Facebook last night that "The Naked Chef" will be preparing dinner at one of our churches this evening. Some type of big announcement is coming after the dinner. ?????


Parents and Grandparents take note! Early Registration has begun for 2009-2010 Upward Basketball and Cheerleading at Westmoreland Baptist. This Christ Centered Ministry provides a wholesome, non threatening environment for boys and girls. It allows everyone to participate, while learning the concept of the sport, the benefit of teamwork, but more importantly, it impacts families with the Gospel of Christ. I hope everyone at WBC will support this ministry with your prayers, and that many will join the previous volunteers to make this ministry to children and their families a successful one.

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