For 28 years, my front yard has been a major headache.
There was a steep bank that was very difficult to mow. Several years ago, someone convinced me to plant juniper there for a ground cover. That was fine, but unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried and how many juniper plants I put out, it never did completely cover. My daughter in law
helped me a couple of summers ago, planting
about twelve more juniper plants, but all but two died. (the story of my horticultural life - this is the house where plants come to die!)
A former small retaining wall had buckled and the earth had shifted some and I was very concerned that the foundation of the house would eventually be damaged. A good retaining wall was obviously needed. Linda and I visited Lowes and Home Depot, intent on doing a do it yourself wall. You know, it is so easy with instructions provided. However the lay of the terrain at my house would require more professional expertise than either of us could provide. So we finally bit the bullet and scraped together the money to have it done professionally.
Here are some before and after photos. The job is not fully completed, but the wall itself is finished and I am very pleased with the outcome so far. So - primarily for my family far away - (and anyone else who might care, for whatever reason) here are the photos.
That really looks good!!!
I'm looking forward to doing a little bit more contouring and getting grass sown. It's a big relief to get it done.
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