Friday, May 13, 2016

Have We Crossed The Point of No Return?

The unlawful (IMHO) edict from our president (I will no longer use a capital P in the title as long as he holds the office), in the latest bout of this ridiculous and totally unnecessary transgender restroom war has just gone over the line. This is wrong on so many levels.

First, it shows the folly of how we have allowed our Federal Government to have such a financial choke hold on our own schools. Some bureaucrat, Federal Judge, (or an amoral chief executive) can make monumental decisions regarding the use of our tax money in education of our children, and "We The People" have lost control. Secondly, the president has no authority to make such decrees. While the office can issue lawful Executive Orders, there are still limits to that power. He is not a king and only heads up one of the three co-equal branches of our government. This must be stopped!

I could go on, but this incident is just another layer added to the decadent snowball that is picking up speed and growing as it is rolling downhill to a destination of total depravity in our society. Along with the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legitimized the American Holocaust, The more recent decision of the supreme court (also not going to use capital letters for them either) to legalize same sex marriage will most likely be looked upon as the threshold America has stepped over to the point of no return.

Our churches will be feeling more and more pressure (threats of losing tax exemptions - to eventual other federal control efforts) but we must stand for Truth. We should not be surprised at this, in fact we must embrace the memory of those early believers who lived under the debauchery of the Roman Empire. We must take on the mindset of them and other martyrs through history who have withstood evil government influence throughout the past 20 centuries - and even today in many ares of our world.

The family is the first institution on Earth and it is a earthly picture of the beautiful union of Christ and His Church. To blur the role of the sexes, even to the point of now making no distinction, is the end of what has come down through 5,000 years of civilization, understanding of natural science, and the God ordained differences between the sexes that were created by God, Himself.

Dr. Russell Moore has written this today:
"The truth is that the male/female sex difference is objectively real. Biological science is built off of this reality. More importantly, the mystery of Christ tells us that the male/female binary points us beyond nature to the gospel itself (Eph. 5). We must tell the truth about this. John the Baptist lost his head for saying that Herod could not have his brother’s wife. Some now will be targeted as culturally unacceptable because they tell Herod he can’t be his brother’s wife. That will take courage and compassion and, above all, it will take Christ."

You can read his entire post, by clicking this link

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